3 Bad Habits That Are Holding You Back

Stepping into your full potential is both freeing and terrifying. I mean, think of your wildest dream coming true...it’s pretty crazy to think about!! Deep down, do you believe it can actually happen? Sometimes without realizing it, we’re the ones who are holding our own selves back from achieving our dreams. Fearing success is a weird thing to think about, honestly, because at first, you might think, “why on earth would I be scared of that?” But on a deeper level, you actually might be! Or, you might be telling yourself you don’t deserve this, you aren’t the type of person who could ever achieve that, etc. etc. Whatever it is, think about if you might be the one responsible for holding yourself back! There are usually three bad habits that stick out above the rest - at least to me! - that may be holding you back: 

Your Self-Doubt

Like I mentioned above, you may not see yourself as worthy. If you cannot see yourself as someone who deserves this dream, this accomplishment, goal, whatever it may be that you are working toward, then you are holding yourself back. Your self-doubt gives you a hazy vision of who you are. The way you talk to yourself matters and if you’re not building yourself up, you are doing a disservice to not only yourself, but also everyone else who needs your gift! 

My friend Daniel Patterson has a quote that hit me in a big way when I first heard it: "Don't believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate!" SHEESH! How often do we let some thought get to us and it probably had no truth or substance to it really? Next time you start to doubt or let what someone else thinks of you start to get in the way of your dreams, remember this!! You are so much more than that! 

Your Lack of Discipline

Oh yes, we are going there. I value you, friend, which is why we need to talk about discipline! Are you pressing snooze a bajillion times in the morning or can you get up at the first alarm? Can you stop scrolling Instagram and spend an extra 30 minutes on your passion project instead? If you want something, you have to be willing to make sacrifices and really stay focused on what you’re running toward. 

Saying Yes Too Often

This took me way too long to learn, but when you’re saying yes to something, you’re also saying no to other things. When I say yes to hang out with someone, that means I’m also saying no to be with my family or have alone time. Are they someone who leaves me feeling better, energized, inspired and challenged? Your time is valuable. Think about what and who you are saying yes to because that’s where your time goes!!

Your goals will be met when you meet them with consistency, passion and discipline! I really believe that!! Do any of these bad habits stick out to you that may be getting in your way?


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