4 simple ways to care for yourself when life seems extra hard

Let’s all take one big deep breath. There is so much constantly going on that it can sometimes be overwhelming to figure out how to cope or what to do next. With all the negative news, uncertainty of the state of the world during this pandemic and regular priorities that haven’t stopped, it’s a lot of weight constantly on our shoulders. If your energy isn’t the same as it’s always been, you’re not alone. This year has been tough and the unknown makes everything seem 10x harder. 

I’ve talked a lot about my glass balls and rubber balls, meaning some priorities need more focus than others since some will just bounce back and can always be picked right back up. Taking care of myself is a glass ball for me because I know if I neglect myself for too long, this neglect will keep building until I reach a breaking point. Instead, simplifying how I care for myself helps me to balance this glass ball with my others.

Here are 4 simple ways to care for yourself when life seems extra hard:

Wear your favorite clothes

You know those clothes we’ve been waiting to pull out again for when everything returns to normal? Bring them out!! There’s no better time than now to wear what makes you feel beautiful and confident.

Schedule time for rest

I know this one is easier said than done, but my suggestion is to put it in your calendar just like you would with any other commitment! When you plan ahead, it’s easier to commit because you’ll know when you get your next “me” time!

Give yourself permission to tap out of the news 

There’s a lot of pressure to always know what is going on in the world and of course, the fear of not knowing something big that is happening. But reality is-- the news is draining! If you find yourself constantly looking at the news, spending time catching up on what is going on in the world or even listening to podcasts summarizing the news, I encourage you to take a step back and notice if you feel any different. 

Send encouragement to someone

At this point, I think it’s fair to say the majority of people are struggling with burn out, anxiety or fear of the unknown. Something that always makes me feel better is when I send encouragement to someone else. Knowing how hard this time of year is, your words might be just the thing someone needs to hear!! Whether it’s a long text, voice memo or even a hand-written card, taking time to send encouragement out-of-the-blue to someone may boost your spirits, too.  

If you want to go more in depth into self care be sure to take a look at the ROCK YOUR SCHOOL: The Virtual Conference from GET YOUR TEACH ON. We spend hours sharing tips on how to prioritize YOU! Check it out HERE!


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