My #1 Tip to Feel Reenergized Before Heading Back to School


Get Your Teach On came and went SO FAST I can’t believe it’s already over! The energy in the room was unmatched this year! I think after what everyone has been through these past two years as teachers, we all just needed this. GYTO helped my heart heal in so many ways and everyone’s energy filled me with immense hope. What an incredible couple of days!! 

Teachers are heading back to the classroom in as few as a couple days now and depending on how your summer has been, you’re either jumping up and down excited, or you’re maybe  dragging your feet a bit. Either way, completely understandable! Honestly, no matter how excited I was to get back to teaching, I was always kind of bummed that summer was over!! Especially after the chaos of the past two years, I feel like everyone was really needing the rest that summer provided. 

No matter how you’re feeling going back into this school year, please know your feelings are valid. The past two years have held so much unknown that that alone can hold so much anxiety as you walk into this school year.  My #1 tip to feel reenergized before heading back to school? Gratitude. It changes everything. 

Gratitude for this opportunity to stand in front of a classroom of children, to be a role model, to teach them, to nurture and to lead them. Gratitude to be in this position - remember a time when this was something you were working so so hard for? Now you have it! Gratitude for the breath in your lungs, that you’re able to give lectures, sing songs, talk with teachers, discuss with parents and console with kids daily. 

Are you overlooking the mundane because you’re tired? Because you’re anxious? Because you’re not yet where you want to be? Trust me, I get it. But, if you shift your perspective to focusing on what you have and being thankful for the blessings (because there are many!), then I believe you’ll find yourself excited to get back in there and give yourself to this position. You’re there for a reason! 


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