My Top 5 Books to Get Motivated


I saw a meme the other day that had a photo from the Olympics and included two runners during a track event. I don’t remember it exactly, but it was captioned with text over the runner who was in second place that said: “still trying to comprehend 2020” and text over the runner in first place: “2022 starting in four months.” LOL. Ain’t that the truth though?! That just blows my mind!! Time just keeps on moving full speed ahead and if you’re anything like me, sometimes that can feel really overwhelming! When I get in a state of overwhelm, it can be hard to motivate myself. Sometimes the simplest way to motivate myself is to listen to an audiobook or read a book, so I wanted to share my top five books to get motivated. 

Here’s my list:

Atomic Habits by James Clear

I love this book because it is all about getting a little bit better each day. Nothing crazy. Just forming good habits, breaking bad ones, and focusing on what you can do daily to keep improving. It is full of very tangible and practical advice! I really recommend it if you feel overwhelmed with what to do and where to begin. 

Rising Strong by Dr. Brené Brown

If you’ve been through a hard time and don’t know how to pick back up the pieces, this book is for you. When you don’t know how to restart, this book gives you the motivation you need to keep going. Dr. Brown has such a strong and empowering voice, I love her advice! 

Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff

A lot of times we hear about how to start something, but we don’t hear about how to finish and see things through. That’s why Jon Acuff wrote this book and I love the heart behind it. If you feel like you have a ton of great ideas, but lack motivation to finish them, definitely give this book a read. 

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz 

I recently talked about how your self-doubt could be holding you back. If this resonated with you, The Four Agreements will be a great book for you! Don Miguel Ruiz talks all about how self-limiting beliefs rob us of our joy (it’s true!!) and shares four “agreements” to begin practicing in your daily life. This is a great book to inspire some deeper thinking about what you believe and what motivates you. 

Living Over Existing: How to Push Past the Mental Barriers That Are Holding You Back From Success by Alisha Robertson 

This book is definitely written for those who are pursuing their dreams of becoming a business owner, however, I still think it’s helpful for anyone because of her great advice. I love how Alisha talks about pushing past being fearful and think this is a great resource to motivate someone to help them get to that next step they’re working toward! 


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