My Summer Bucket List

It is officially summer and I love to fully embrace summertime by making a summer bucket list! I know we all feel like we were a bit robbed of our summers last year, so making a bucket list felt extra special this time around. If you’ve seen bucket lists only on Pinterest and have never made one for yourself...this is the summer to go all out!!! Bucket lists aren’t only meant for crazy dreams and adventures. They are actually really helpful for reminding me to find joy in the mundane and to choose joy daily. I think you might find the same thing for yourself! 

Here is my summer bucket list! 

1. Go on a weekly date with Wade 

I mentioned here (link summer routine) that our quality time is really important to us, and this includes a weekly date. During the school year it gets a lot harder to always prioritize this, which is why we are making sure this happens WEEKLY this summer! Every couple that I admire has always told us to intentionally date one another and we would both love to be able to focus on this more. 

2. Cook once a week

Don’t laugh! This is HUGE for me because I never ever cook. It’s a big joke. However, I am wanting to find quick, easy, and healthy meals to cook this summer and carry into the school year for when everything gets really busy. I really want to dedicate some time to this because I know it will make things easier later this year!

3. Take Mav to Disney

Truly, Disney is where Mav lives his best life. I’m not even kidding. He would dance and watch the parades all day long if he could!! We’ve been bringing him since he was little and just as much as he loves going, we love bringing him! I know so many of you have asked for tips on bringing your little ones to Disney...we’ve got something coming your way soon!
4. Be back in person with teachers

My soul is craving time with my people. I am so excited for National Conference and I feel like the energy will be unmatched this year because I know many of us NEED this!! If you’ve been craving connection with others who just get it and understand what you’ve been through the past two years as a teacher, this conference is made for you

5. Try a new restaurant in our city

I never realized we took eating out for granted, but we are SO excited to try some new restaurants that have popped up all over town!! We have our classic favorites, but we’ve seen a few new ones that we’d like to get out to and try. 

6. Soak in the simple moments

Bike rides, family walks, laughs and giggles in the bed at night, reading books together, family dinners. These are the moments that matter so much to me that I don’t want to let pass me by. I cannot wait to cherish every single one of them this summer. 

7. Do something outside of my comfort zone 

You guys know I am big on chasing dreams. As we are running wild getting everything prepped for National Conference, I want to make sure I am continuing to push myself and step outside of what is comfortable for me. So...who knows what this means, but let’s find out! Here’s to never getting comfortable with where we are and continuing to challenge ourselves!! 

I’m committed to making this our best summer YET! What’s on your summer bucket list?!


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