5 life hacks for getting things done when life is crazy

Anyone else look at their phone today (I’d say calendar, but let’s be real here!!) and have a moment of shock when they saw it’s August ALREADY?! Time is flying!! I swear with every new season of life I think we can’t get busier, but my capacity continues to expand and I’m surprised by how much we are able to get done here! We’ve been having the sweetest summer and I’ve really been soaking up these moments with Wade and Mav that we’re getting together. I wrote more about my routine and what I’m focusing on this summer here in case you missed it!  

I know I’m not the only one who feels like this summer has flown by. Regardless of whether you’re working full-time or you have the summer off, life can be pretty crazy. I’m all about simplifying where you can, and I want to share a few life hacks for getting things done when everything is crazy. They’ve helped me a lot and I think you might find them helpful too!! 

1. Prioritize three tasks each day

I’m done with those long to do lists. Why? I started to feel guilty when I couldn’t accomplish everything on them and I kept having to carry everything over to the next day...and the next and the next. I’ve said it before, but my priority is spending quality time with Mav, Wade and my own health. If I can’t get ninety five things done in one day, it’s perfectly ok and I don’t need to feel guilty about that. I’ve started to prioritize the three most important tasks done in the day and focus on those. 

2. Simplified my health

I mentioned that I’m doing the Burn Fat and Feast Program and I’m not trying to constantly talk your ear off about the program (although I do love it so much), but I do want to emphasize something that I think is so important about it and one of the main reasons it’s really working: it’s SIMPLE. Nothing about it is overly complicated, so I’m able to stick with it. I’m not over here counting something that takes forever or trying to plan workouts that take a huge amount of my time. This program is really sustainable for me and has simplified it so that I can easily fit it into my lifestyle. If you want to focus on your health, do not overcomplicate it! 

3. Unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe 

Why do we put up with deleting emails for so long instead of simply taking the extra 30 seconds to unsubscribe? I’ve started doing this to simplify my inbox and it has actually made a huge difference! It might not take you a bunch of time to delete emails or look at your inbox, but what I realized is that it was taking a lot of mental energy from me to have a lot of digital clutter in my inbox. 

4. Finish what I started

Ok hear me out on this one...anyone else get distracted a lot?! Start with good intentions and then let something else get in the way? I might set out for some me time, and then let a work call takeover or something else consume me. Recently, I’ve been firm in finishing what I started and setting boundaries with myself on that. Of course, urgent things will pop up, but if I’m in the kitchen to cook (that’s one of my goals!!), I’m doing that and I’m staying in there until I’m done! See things through until completion. Not only is it rewarding, but it also saves you time in the end. 

5. Plan less

Believe it or not, planning less and having more of a relaxed schedule has been helpful. It’s allowed us to enjoy more of the mundane moments and helped us to find joy in the everyday. Sure, it can be chaotic in moments, but overall, it’s left us feeling more energized because of the memories we’ve created together in these pockets of time with nothing planned. 

Honestly, it’s all about figuring out what works for you and how to create a routine and system that allows you to thrive and spend time in the areas that matter most!! I’d love to hear if you found these helpful or if you have any little hacks that help you when life gets crazy! 


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